Këto janë 37 shtetet me mirëqenien më të mirë në botë

Legatum Institute të mërkurën lëshoi Indeksin e 12-të vjetor të Prosperitetit botëror, një studim i madh që rendit shumicën e vendeve të botës sipas “prosperitetit” të tyre – një indeks që përfshin një sërë variablash duke përfshirë fuqinë e ekonomive të tyre dhe mjedisin e tyre natyror.

Siç raporton Buletini Ekonomik, Legatum shikon më shumë se 100 variabla, duke përfshirë treguesit tradicionalë si prodhimi i brendshëm bruto për kokë banori dhe numri i njerëzve në punë me kohë të plotë. Indeksi gjithashtu analizon të dhëna më esoterike, siç është numri i serverëve të sigurtë të internetit që ka një vend dhe sa ndjehen njerëzit të mirëpritur në baza ditore.

Variablat pastaj ndahen në 9 kategori: cilësia ekonomike, mjedisi i biznesit, qeverisja, liria personale, kapitali social, siguria, arsimi, shëndeti dhe mjedisi natyror.

Reklama e sponzorizuar

Sipas Buletinit Ekonomik, indeksi i analizon 149 vende për të cilat të dhënat janë të disponueshme.

Norvegjia mbajti vendin e parë në tetë vitet e fundit, e mundur vetëm një herë nga Zelanda e Re në vitin 2016, por a mund të mbetet vendi nordik në vendin e parë në 2018?

Shikoni renditjen mëposhtë. /Buletini Ekonomik

37. Israel

2017 position: 38th

Highest subcategory ranking: Health (16th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

36. Lithuania

2017 position: 41st

Highest subcategory ranking: Natural environment (18th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

35. South Korea

2017 position: 36th

Highest subcategory ranking: Education (17th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

34. Italy

2017 position: 30th

Highest subcategory ranking: Safety and security (27th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

33. Poland

2017 position: 32nd

Highest subcategory ranking: Safety and security (23rd)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

32. Slovakia

2017 position: 35th

Highest subcategory ranking: Safety and Security; Education (Both 26th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

31. Costa Rica

2017 position: 29th

Highest subcategory ranking: Personal freedom (15th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

30. Uruguay

2017 position: 28th

Highest subcategory ranking: Personal freedom (eighth)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 1

29. Mauritius

2017 position: 34th

Highest subcategory ranking: Social capital (21st)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

28. Cyprus

2017 position: 31st

Highest subcategory ranking: Personal freedom (24th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

27. Czech Republic

2017 position: 26th

Highest subcategory ranking: Education (14th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

26. Estonia

2017 position: 27th

Highest subcategory ranking: Natural environment (sixth)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 1

25. Spain

2017 position: 20th

Highest subcategory ranking: Personal freedom (17th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

24. Portugal

2017 position: 25th

Highest subcategory ranking: Personal freedom (sixth)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 1

23. Japan

2017 position: 23rd

Highest subcategory ranking: Safety and security (second)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 2

22. Hong Kong

2017 position: 24th

Highest subcategory ranking: Safety and security (fourth)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 3

21. Singapore

2017 position: 17th

Highest subcategory ranking: Health (first)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 5

20. France

2017 position: 19th

Highest subcategory ranking: Natural environment (seventh)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 1

19. Malta

2017 position: 22nd

Highest subcategory ranking: Safety and security (sixth)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 2

18. Slovenia

2017 position: 21st

Highest subcategory ranking: Natural environment (first)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 2

17. United States of America

2017 position: 18th

Highest subcategory ranking: Business environment (first)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 3

16. Belgium

2017 position: 16th

Highest subcategory ranking: Personal freedom (12th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 0

15. Austria

2017 position: 15th

Highest subcategory ranking: Health (sixth)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 2

14. Germany

2017 position: 11th

Highest subcategory ranking: Governance (10th)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 1

13. Australia

2017 position: 9th

Highest subcategory ranking: Social capital (second)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 3

12. Luxembourg

2017 position: 14th

Highest subcategory ranking: Health (second)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 5

11. Iceland

2017 position: 13th

Highest subcategory ranking: Economic quality (first)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 4

10. Ireland

2017 position: 12th

Highest subcategory ranking: Safety and security; Personal freedom (both fifth)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 5

9. Netherlands

2017 position: 6th

Highest subcategory ranking: Education; Governance (both fifth)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 6

8. Canada

2017 position: 8th

Highest subcategory ranking: Personal freedom (first)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 3

7. United Kingdom

2017 position: 10th

Highest subcategory ranking: Natural environment (second)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 3

6. Sweden

2017 position: 5th

Highest subcategory ranking: Economic quality (fifth)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 4

5. Denmark

2017 position: 7th

Highest subcategory ranking: Social capital (fifth)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 6

4. Switzerland

2017 position: 4th

Highest subcategory ranking: Education (second)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 6

3. Finland

2017 position: 3rd

Highest subcategory ranking: Governance; Education (both first)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 4

2. New Zealand

2017 position: 2nd

Highest subcategory ranking: Social capital (first)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 5

1. Norway

2017 position: 1st

Highest subcategory ranking: Safety and Security (first)

Number of top-10 subcategory rankings: 8